A Guardian ad Litem may
be an attorney, psychologist or social worker who has been appointed by the
Domestic Relations or Juvenile Court to represent a child who is involved in a
legal proceeding and/or to advise the Court as to what they believe is in the
child’s best interests. Individuals who serve as a Guardian ad Litem typically
have training and experience involving interviewing children, identifying
domestic violence and dealing with substance abuse. There are requirements
which individuals must meet in order to serve as a Guardian ad Litem.
The Guardian ad Litem,
or GAL, role in the Domestic Relations court is to specifically
protect the interests of a minor child. They do so by maintaining objectivity
regarding all parties involved. GALs are to appear and/or participate in all
hearings. They will also ask the court, submitted in writing, to resolve conflicts. The Guardian may request psychological evaluations or
substance abuse assessments when necessary. A Guardian ad Litem is also
required to avoid any actual or apparent conflict of interest that may arise
from any relationship or activity.
A GAL will make
reasonable efforts to become informed about the facts of the case they do so by
meeting with and interviewing the child and observing the child with each
parent, foster parent, guardian or physical custodian and conducting at least
one interview with the child where none of these individuals is present.
The Guardian ad Litem
may visit the child at his or her residence in accordance with any court-established
standards, and will ascertain the child’s wishes. Further the GAL
will meet with and interview the parties, foster parents and other
individuals who may have relevant knowledge of the case’s issues. Including
interviewing school personnel, medical and mental health providers, child
protective services workers and relevant court personnel.
The GAL will review
relevant court documents whether they be criminal, civil, educational and
administrative records pertaining to the child and, if appropriate, to the
child’s family or to other parties, and obtain copies of relevant records.
Finally the
Guardian ad Litem will provide the court with a written report of the
activities listed above, and a recommendation based on their findings.
For more information regarding this
topic, or to schedule an appointment, contact Joseph Stafford at 216.241.1074 www.StaffordLawCompany.com